

Today's photo shoot!

{ R-r-rad vintage cheerleader uniform with sweater and skirt - go Wildcats! }

{ Love with a capitol L! Antique wool coat in rusty brown with velvet piping; circa early 1900s. }

{ luscious antique velvet coat with big buttons; circa early 1900s. }

{ adorable! cotton blouse circa early 1900s with golden dots finely embroidered. }

{ pale yellow organza dress with lace and bow; circa 1920s. }

{ moss green linen shift; circa 1960s. }

{ gorgeous silver gown with lace; circa 1910s or 20s. }

{ cute cotton frock in blue with green trim, piping and buttons; peter pan collar tops 'er off. }

{ lovely 1940s rayon two piece with sequin appliqué.}






I recently came across the "creative ecosystem" that is penccil, a collaborative design site for sharing and discovering artists from around the globe.
Some of the submissions that caught my eye are in the 'Cut-Out' category, and include the following cut-and-fold paper models.

{ above:  wild paper animals from Le Blédine, circa 1950s }


{ paper cars from 1950s France }


{ no glue required for the assembly of these farm animals from an early 1950s French album by Castor-Flammarion. }


{ views of Victoria Theatre }


{ 19th century French House details. }


Let the fun begin!