
End of a Season

I love the dark, stark moodiness of this series by photographer Nikolay Biryukov, featuring model Lucie von Alten.
Called "End of a Season", it tells the narrative of "a girl who has recently ended her summer affair as the season turns into autumn."

Nov. 2012; exclusive for  Fashion Gone Rogue 

{ credit to HonestlyWTF }


Feather Art

I'm all-aflutter for this cut feather art by Chris Maynard.
A testament to patience, and aren't they lovely?

{ find these and more feather photos HERE }


PHOTO SHOOT December 19

A little snippit of today's photo shoot with the incredibly rad Julia Haw!

{ 1960s dress}

{1920s silk blouse }

{ 1930s sheer LBD }

{ mid-century chantilly dress }

{ awesome 1940s super tall hat }

{ 1950s sheer red two piece }

{ 1960s faux fur coat }

{ 1960s Sgt. Pepper Jacket! }

{ 1930s floral dress }

{ 1960s wool plaid coat }


Just the Two of Us

 the Vagues
Vera & Victor


{  locket from IlluminatedPerfume... Found Here }



usually typography art makes me cringe a little.
i find they can come across a bit... cheesy.

but even i can appreciate the quotes of smart folk, so i'll share a few that are ... Vague Approved.


i need to remember that...

and finally, ladies... respect the code:

all photos via Logan on Pinterest.


PHOTO SHOOT 12th December

today's shoot was just lovely!
take a peek...

{ Victorian capes abound in Vagueville! }

{a dreamboat on a drool sea.. velvet and fur oh my! }

{ Legally Pink! knit suit. }

{ cute little cropped top circa 1940s }

{ mossy three piece: dress, jacket and belt!}

{ brussel sprout print? i'll take 2nds! }

{ adorable sky blue 50s dress }

{ bright pink wool cape with bow at nape! }

{ too hip:  1940s spikey blazer }